Home ยป 8 Ways To Battle Florida Humidity While On A Walt Disney World Vacation

    8 Ways To Battle Florida Humidity While On A Walt Disney World Vacation

    cooling towel

    It’s officially summertime in Walt Disney World, which also means it’s officially hot, all the time now, in Florida!

    A lot of families flock to Disney World in the summer, simply because that is when kids are out of school and they have no other time they can go. However, it can definitely make for a very strenuous vacation because of how hot and humid it can get in the parks. So, if you’re one of these families that have no choice but to vacation to Walt Disney World during the summer, then this list I curated on best tips to battle the Florida humidity, is for you!

    1. Insulated water bottles

    It’s no secret that you HAVE to stay hydrated on a Walt Disney World vacation, but it’s even more paramount during the hot summer months.

    I recommend a good, insulated and long lasting water bottle with a handle or clip which can be filled up in the morning at your hotel, with ice and water from the food court self service fountains, and it should last you the day. 

    PRO TIP: Should you finish the water quickly, most quick services throughout the parks offer free small cups of ice water. Just ask the nearest one for one or 2 cups to refill your bottle and you will be good to go.

    2. Cooling towels

    cooling towel
    Disney World Pink Cooling Towel

    On those really scorcher days, cooling neck towels are an amazing addition to have in your park bag.

    Disney sells really cute ones all over the parks, like pictured above. However, if you are looking for a more affordable alternative, there are many available on Amazon. All you need to do is find your closest bathroom, wet it under the sink, lay it around your neck, keep on walking, just like that!

    PRO TIP: Combine the cooling towel with a mini portable handheld fan and you practically have a portable air conditioner.

    3. Mini portable fan

    Speaking of mini portable fans, these are probably my favorite option. There are many different kinds available, but personally, I will do whatever I can do to make necessity items cute, and there are a number of mini mickey fans online which are so much fun. The ones which have a wrist strap are very convenient so you don’t drop it, they small enough to fit in your park bag and many are rechargeable. 

    However, my favorite is a misting mini mickey fan. Not only is it cute, but it also is foldable and rechargeable! Just fill the bottom portion with water and you’re good to go. Bonus; it comes in a set of two.

    mister mickey fan
    Mini Foldable Mister Mickey Fan on Amazon

    4. Neck fans

    If you don’t really care about style in the parks, or don’t want your hands all sweaty from holding a fan, maybe consider purchasing a neck fan. I personally don’t like them because my hair always gets caught in it. However, they are very convenient and are pretty powerful despite their size. They are also adjustable too, so you can aim them exactly where you want them to go.

    5. Mid-day break

    Disney's All Star Sports Resort, Disney
    Image: Disney

    It’s a time old tale you hear all of the time, “Go back to your hotel room around noon for a couple of hours to rest and cool off. Maybe go for a dip in the pool or even take a power nap”. The truth is though, it works! Especially if you have kids that just don’t do good in the heat. Let’s face it, even I get super grumpy when I am overheated and sweaty.

    The best part about this; by the time you head back to the park, not only are you refreshed and ready for round two, but the parks should be a little less crowded and the humidity level won’t be as bad. 

    6. Water rides

    splash mountain
    Splash Mountain in Magic Kingdom, Disney

    I know what you’re thinking…go on a water ride during a busy 95 degree day, during summer vacation, are you CRAZY?! Maybe yes, maybe no. Yet, there are some great water rides throughout Disney, like Splash Mountain in Magic Kingdom and Khali River Rapids in Disney’s Animal Kingdom, as well as some splash pad areas and rides like Dumbo and Pirates of the Caribbean that have splashes of water throughout the ride, where you are bound to get at least a little wet on.

    Also, if you can plan it just right, Genie+ could be your best friend in this so you don’t wait in a long line. Plus, you will definitely cool off, even if it’s only for a short amount of time. 

    PRO TIP: Right after riding a wet ride, consider going shopping in a store, seeing an indoor show or eating at a sit down restaurant somewhere so the air conditioner hits you while your still a little wet, to get an extra cool blast that lasts.

    7. Cool treats and drinks

    Another great way to cool off is obviously getting something cold to eat or drink to help bring your body temperature down. There are some really great options throughout all four 4 Walt Disney World parks, but I do have a few favorites that I will mention here. 

    All parks have a Starbucks location, however my favorite is definitely the one in Hollywood Studios. You can grab yourself an iced coffee or frappuccino and just enjoy Hollywood and Sunset Boulevard shopping and looking around. Another favorite of mine at Disney’s Hollywood Studios is good ‘ol gertie. She has an ice cream snack stand right inside of her stomach and you can grab some simple but delicious soft serve ice cream here while enjoying the views of Echo Lake. 

    A great one at Animal Kingdom right now is the Anundapur Ice Cream truck, where you can get the Yeti Sundae. It is super fun and delicious. They also serve up a great Ice Cream float here as well. However, if you’re looking for something more for the adults, head on over to Pongu Pongu over in Pandora and get yourself a Rum Blossom. This adult beverage is both fruity and refreshing and is sure to quench your thirst. 

    Epcot is a tough one, as there is alway something to eat or drink, especially during one of their four, ever changing festivals. However, for the purpose of this article, we will just stick to the basics, and for this one I am going to have to go with these two top picks, both located within World Showcase: 

    First is over at Kabuki Cafe in Japan where you can get a snack called the Kakigori. This refreshing fruity treat is Japan’s take on a snow cone and you get your choice of 5 different flavors, or even mix them up with their popular rainbow version. Bonus; there is an adult version of this served with Saki called the Saki Mist, and you get your choice of three flavors. 

    kakigori Epcot
    Rainbow Kakigori in Epcot World Showcase

    Second would have to be the Pressed Brioche Ice Cream sandwich over in France at L’Artisan des Glaces. This thing is so delicious, and the best part is you get to build your own.There tends to be a line most days on this one, but it is so worth it. Plus it is indoors, so you get some air conditioner as a bonus too. 

    Lastly, Magic Kingdom probably has my heart with the most and best cool treats. Over on Main Street USA you can get the glacier freeze drink over at the confectionary, which is basically like an ICEE but here you have way more flavor options and you can build your own, so it allows you to get creative. Also on Main Street is where you can find the famous Casey’s and the well known Mint Julep drink. This minty lemony goodness can be made regular, however I recommend the frozen version to really get yourself cooled down. Plus it is super light and refreshing.

    Another favorite stop of mine for a cool snack is definitely over in Adventureland at Aloha Isle where you can find the famous go to, DOLE WHIP. Of course they have my favorite, the traditional Pineapple dole whip. However they have other flavors to choose from as well, including raspberry and ones with pog juice in them! 

    dole whip flight dis springs
    Dole Whip flight, Swirls on the Water in Epcot

    Yet, even with all of these great options, I think my top pick would have to be over at Gaston’s Tavern in Fantasyland. Now I know what your thinking, the gigantic Cinnamon Roll isn’t a cool treat Jess, BUT, also located here is Lefou’s Brew and although very odd and different at first sip, if you have an adventurous and open palette, I would check this one out. It is a frozen drink made with apple sauce, mango and marshmallow and is to die for! Bonus, this quick service location is located indoors, so you can sit in the air conditioning as well while you enjoy this sweet sip. No seats available inside? No problem. Right outside the restaurant is some tables covered with umbrellas for some nice shade and people watching. Oh, and don’t forget your cinnamon roll with extra icing!

    You can also find tons of options over at Disney Springs. Some favorites that come to mind are Salt + Straw Ice Cream Parlor with their uniquely homemade hard ice cream, Swirls on the Water where you can find the new Dole Whip Flight, and Gideon’s for some deliciously flavored cold brew coffee!

    8. Headache/ Pain relief medication

    Image: Kimberly Crawford

    My last piece of advice; make sure you or someone in your party is carrying some simple over the counter medicine to combat headaches & heat exhaustion caused by the humidity.

    Sometimes, it doesn’t matter how hydrated or well fed or balanced you are throughout your day, you just can’t win them all. It’s the last thing anyone wants to think about or plan for on a Disney vacation, but trust me, it has happened to me and it helps tremendously in a pinch. I recommend Excedrin or Aleve as my top go to’s, but use what works best for your body. You can never go wrong with Tylenol, either. However I am not doctor or nurse, so please consult your physician if you are unsure. 

    If that still isn’t enough and you are unsure if you will make it back to your hotel or just don’t want to wait, you can always go to your nearest first aid location and ask for some fresh ice water and an icepack. 

    So, that’s it! Some awesome tips and take aways to combat the Florida heat while enjoying a fun Walt Disney World vacation. Whether you are flying solo, or trekking a family of six around the parks like me, these should be sure to help you out and hopefully convince you that Disney in the summertime, although hot, is manageable for everyone.

    Have fun on your next Disney vacation, and don’t forget the sunscreen. Stay cool out there everyone!