Home » 8 Walt Disney World Souvenirs You’ll Wish You Never Purchased

    8 Walt Disney World Souvenirs You’ll Wish You Never Purchased

    Classic Mickey Mouse ears

    They say that one man’s trash is another man’s treasure. By the same type of logic, one Walt Disney World guest’s necessity is another man’s pain in the neck! When it comes to souvenir shopping at the theme parks, some items that seem so appealing at first may become blemishes on an otherwise flawless vacation. With dining plans, Magic Bands, and resort-wide transportation options, Walt Disney World is now offering systems and planning tools that add to the convenience and ease of a fast-paced Disney visit. Avoiding some of the most commonly found money pit souvenirs will help your vacation stay on track, and decrease the odds of a frustration meltdown in the process.

    1. Wacky hats

    Classic Mickey Mouse ears

    If there is one, singular souvenir that is synonymous with a Disney vacation, it’s those adorable Mickey ears. We all love them – until we begin to realize that headwear is not so theme park friendly. The Disney marketing machine has expanded the concept of this product line to include various styles of the traditional Mickey ears hat, as well as ear-inclusive headbands, and a plethora of other silly, themed hats. Epcot adds even more to the mix with offerings such as Viking helmets and sombreros. With such a selection of fun, crazy hats in just about every on-site shop, it’s more than tempting to join the majority of guests in purchasing one. Perhaps it even adds to the spirit of the visit to be donning mouse ears as you stroll the land of magic- indeed, it just seems to be a mandatory purchase, doesn’t it?

    Wacky hats of Epcot

    Think again! As the mother of a child with a Disney wacky hat collection, I have been down this road countless times. One thing I’ve learned is that wearing the hats becomes unappealing fast. In other words, be prepared to carry it. And the bulkier they are, the more of a hassle that can be. Good luck finding a bag to fit the super-size sombreros in Mexico! Besides, hats (much like sunglasses) can create a bit of a snag on certain rides. Picture that sombrero becoming a flying saucer on Rockin’ Roller Coaster!

    2. Large stuffed animals

    Plushies galore

    Walt Disney World does offer package pick-up and delivery options for purchases that you don’t wish to lug around the parks all day. This was nothing less than a stroke of brilliance by the masters of merchandising, but there is one tiny flaw. Have you ever been shopping with a youngster? They aren’t too fond of “buy now – enjoy later” arrangements. The more appealing the purchase, the more the child feels an urge to begin enjoying it. One of the most compelling souvenirs in no short supply are stuffed animals.

    Over-sized stuffed animals

    The little ones can’t wait to hug and squeeze their very own Duffy of Mickey Mouse plushes, and you’ll likely spend a good deal of time retrieving the darling creature when it repeatedly falls from the stroller. When these stroller launches happen in the rain, near puddles, or into planters, your little angel’s new friend will probably look like it was run through a dirt pile by the end of the day, too. And if the plush purchase is large enough, you may even feel justified in renting a second stroller for the new, inanimate member of your family. Let’s not even discuss what happens when the plushy “shares” a frozen Mickey Bar with your wee one!

    3. Chocolate and candy


    There’s no denying that Walt Disney World is a veritable paradise for foodies. Whatever type of edibles you’re seeking are bound to be found somewhere within the resort, representing various cultures, traditions, fads, and cravings. One word of warning – consider your candy and chocolate purchases carefully.

    Rainbow lollipop

    Florida is known for oppressive heat, practically year-round. Keep this in mind when the lure of chocolate presents itself. The large bags of chocolate covered peanuts may be oh-so-tempting, but if you can’t scarf them down in a blink, you’re likely to find a bag of melty mess in your equally chocolaty hands. I had to rein in an abrupt chocolate urge recently when attempting to buy one little Ghirardelli square. After being informed that the special chocolate shop set up for the Food and Wine Festival only sold full bags of squares, not individuals, I realized this had the potential to be quite a mess – or one heck of a choco-binge! General rule of thumb – if it can melt, you don’t want to be stuck with it. Buy only what you can eat relatively quickly. On a related note – just steer clear of the rainbow lollipops that are the size of a toddler’s head. No child can finish these cavity breeders, and they only serve to become atrocious weapons of mass stickiness just waiting for a full head of hair to adhere to.

    4. Refillable mugs and souvenir glasses

    Souvenir glasses and mugs

    I am a sucker for an add-on, and the plentiful supply of attractive souvenir glasses and refillable mugs throughout the Walt Disney World Resort are among my favorite purchases. For just a few dollars extra, you can buy insulated mugs with lower-priced refill options, or fancy, Disney-specific glassware displaying Disney restaurant logos. They’re an inexpensive souvenir, and they help pave the path to convenient hydration. So, where’s the downside?

    In-between drinks, you’re still carrying these items around. Sure, you can have that tall, boxed glass from Rainforest Cafe’s Cheetah-Rita packaged up and waiting for you at your resort, but those refillable mugs won’t quite serve the purpose of their original appeal if you don’t have them on-hand. Trust me, it’s no picnic carrying refillable mugs for your family of four, strapped to your backpack, as you clink and clank your way through the parks. The souvenir popcorn buckets are even worse, as they tend to have attached parts that like to avoid snapping back together into one piece.

    5. Hair wraps and face painting

    Hair wraps

    Souvenirs can also come in the form of experiences, and as our wacky hats prove, we all love getting into character mode ourselves when visiting Mickey Mouse and friends. Enter the hair braiders and face painters… or not. Hair wraps mingle embroidery floss into small tight braids, or cover divided portions of hair in tightly weaved rows. They’re gorgeous accessories, and they feel so very “Florida”, but have you ever tried to remove them when you’re sick of trying to style your hair around them, or when a hot, sweaty day at the parks demands a hair washing? It can be done, but it is not a fun process – especially when the hair you’re tending to is attached to a small child.

    Face painting

    Likewise, face painting booths will put a brilliant smile on a young child’s face (and even some of us bigger children) – until you realize the lack of brilliance in a layer of paint covering your face in an excessively hot environment. Inevitably, most younger guests will find this to be a smeary, messy, miserable circumstance of money well-wasted. If prettying up is on your to-do list, Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique is a much more sound option, and one that is much more worth the money.

    6. Light-up/ glowing toys

    Light chaser toys

    As the sun goes down, the nighttime merchandise carts roll out. The vendors are decked out in their wares, enticing awestruck kids, teens, and even adults, with demonstrations of toys and adornments that blink, glow, and twinkle. Whether it’s a necklace or a spinning character toy, these fun little do-dads are certain to enhance your experience during the evening parade or fireworks show. But, then there’s the aftermath.

    Naturally, these items decrease in appeal when their lights go out, and sometimes this happens much sooner than you’d expect – especially when you consider the price you paid for the item. Multiple times, I’ve purchased glowing items for my children who simply required them, it seemed. Each time, their lights were extinguished by morning (and fresh batteries were no help). While the spinning Buzz Lightyear still spun, he just wasn’t the same in his darkened state! Another thing to keep in mind when purchasing these blinking delights for your entranced little ones – a few hours of that incessant blinking, and the whole family may be nearing group seizures. They’re also a bit alarming in the rear view mirror from the back seat of the car if you’ll be driving anywhere when you leave the parks. Just think about the glow of blinking lights from behind you on the drive home. Is there anyone who doesn’t panic at the thought of that?

    7. Water misting fans and bubble blowers

    Water misters and bubble blowers

    I am no fan of the heat and humidity, and I gleefully welcome the possibility of relief from the elements at the parks, but I absolutely loathe the ever-popular water misting fans. These overpriced plastic duds are a nightmare on so many levels. As the owner of one, you seem to be running for water refills far too often to make them worth having, and the cooling potential of the provided “mist” is not even worth the effort. Keep in mind, what’s heating you up in Orlando is more the humidity than the heat itself. Coating yourself in a thin layer of moisture is only adding to the negative effect of the humidity. If left in the hands of younger guests, these misters also tend to become a nuisance to other guests who receive unwanted, shared showers.

    The same holds true for the bubble blowers that outdoor merchandise vendors readily demonstrate around every turn. Everyone loves chasing bubbles, but not everyone wants to spend a day coated in a film of sticky bubble solution! For the sanity of everyone, just avoid anything that can be used against unwitting fellow guests.

    8. Balloons

    Balloons on Main Street

    The famous Mickey-shaped balloons have undergone many evolutions over the years, but they’re always a favorite – especially on Magic Kingdom’s Main Street USA. They’re one of the first things you’ll see upon entering the park, and they are bunched together in a brilliantly inviting, vibrant rainbow of “wow” to fixated little eyes who can’t imagine going through the day without one. But, before you make that purchase, consider this – aside from the fact that they are ridiculously pricey for a temporary-use item, they are one of the most cumbersome souvenirs to be saddled with during your park visit. Obviously, this is also not an item that logically lends itself to the package pick-up option, either.

    The high-flying balloon may be a handy tool to locate a scampering child in a crowd, but if the balloon comes loose, the tears will flow. This is also a terribly inconvenient item to accommodate during ride stops, and annoying to fellow guests during shows and performances, when bouncing balloons may hinder the view of others.

    When it comes to souvenir purchases, the options are endless at Walt Disney World. Chances are, if you can dream it, they can sell it. Obviously, every souvenir has the potential for appeal. It is Disney, after all. Just make your purchases wisely. Strive for longevity, practicality, and affordability in your souvenir selections. Above all, consider every possible angle for misuse, intrusion, burden, and hassle. If it can become a source of argument or inconvenience, expect that it will.