Home » 8 Essential Ways to Get In Shape Before Your Next Theme Park Trip

    8 Essential Ways to Get In Shape Before Your Next Theme Park Trip

    When you’re planning a trip to Walt Disney World, Universal Studios Orlando or any other theme park, you think of rides, characters and lots of fun. You probably don’t think about miles and miles of walking, carrying a heavy backpack and standing in lines. But there are some things that you can do before your trip that will make your time at the parks more enjoyable – things that your feet, arms and legs will thank you for! Here are 8 ways to get in shape before your next theme park trip:

    1. Set your alarm

    Image: Disney
    You’re probably going to want to take advantage of every moment you can at the park, so start trying to get up early and staying as active as possible throughout the day. This way, your body will be more accustomed to those future Extra Magic Hours and late nights. And exercising in the morning can give you energy that can last all day long.

    2. Start lifting

    Image: Disney
    Those bags filled with theme park necessities can be heavy, especially after a long day of lugging them, so why not try lifting some weights to build some endurance? If you don’t have dumbbells at home, you can make your own weights out of some household supplies. A gallon milk jug filled with water weighs about 8 pounds, and if that’s too heavy, you can fill it halfway. You could also try push-ups, or you could try wearing your backpack or purse around the house as much as possible. Fill it with the items you plan on taking with you.

    3. Take a hike

    The Aristocrats
    You already know that you’re going to be on your feet much more on your trip than you probably are at home, so start making movement part of your regular routine. Walks, runs and jogs in your neighborhood or nearby park are wonderful, and there are other ways to sneak some more fitness into your day. Try parking farther away than you usually would at shopping centers; taking the stairs instead of the elevator at work; and making a new rule that if you’re on your phone, you must be moving at the same time! 

    4. Hold yourself accountable

    If you count down the days until your trip, add a note underneath each day on the calendar that outlines a specific fitness goal, such as “walk 10,000 steps” or “work out with an exercise routine video.” YouTube has tons of results when searching for the term “exercise video,” and most of them don’t require any special equipment. You may want to invest in a pedometer to track your steps, though. And don’t forget to keep your eyes on the prize – that upcoming trip!

    5. Learn some new moves

    Goofy weighlifting
    Have you heard of “high-knees”? Do you wonder what exactly a “burpee” is? These aerobic exercises and others can strengthen your whole body. To do a burpee, stand up, then immediately drop into a squatting stance, putting your hands on the ground. Follow this by kicking your feet back while your arms are extended. Then, suddenly put your feet back into the squatting stance. Finish by jumping up from that stance. To perform a basic high-knee exercise, stand with your feet hip-width apart. Then pull your right knee toward your chest. Keep it there for three seconds, then move it back to its original position and repeat the move. Then do the same with your left knee for several repetitions, and be sure to pause for two minutes between switching knees. A third new exercise you can try is the “mountain climber.” To do this, lie down on your stomach with your hands underneath your chest, shoulder-width apart, with your arms straight and your legs extended. Then, lift your right foot off the floor and raise your knee close to your chest. Return to the original position, then repeat with your left leg. Start each move slowly at first, and again, pausing between the repetitions helps you increase your ability to do more!

    6. Watch a movie

    “What?” you’re probably thinking. “You can get in shape by watching a film?” Yes, if you combine some exercises with your viewing! For example, every time Elsa uses her powers in “Frozen,” perform 10 jumping jacks. Each time Olaf talks about summer or goes on a rant about something, try doing knee-highs for 30 seconds, and whenever Anna does something impulsive, punch the air 15 times. And don’t forget to sing and dance when the movie’s songs come on! 

    7. Eat right

    Exercise is only part of the equation when getting in shape for your trip. The other part is carefully choosing what you chew, so that your muscles get stronger and you can be fueled for all of the extra activity. You can add protein to your diet with chicken breasts, turkey, salmon, tuna and lean ground beef. Skip the cake for now (sorry, Stitch) and carbo-load with baked and sweet potatoes, brown and wild rice, and whole-wheat bread. Unsaturated fats, such as those in olive oil and sesame oil, give your body more energy. And don’t forget to bring on the water. Add more glasses throughout your day, and especially when exercising — follow the rule of one 8-ounce glass for every 15-20 minutes that you exercise. 

    8. Have fun!

    Winnie the Pooh
    Who says getting fit has to be boring? Maybe you have friends, family or co-workers who’d walk and talk with you. You could start a lunchtime walking club or an evening run routine. And most any outdoor activity – walking the dog, washing the car, playing kickball – will benefit your body. If you’d like, you could sign up for fitness classes in your hometown or even get moving by playing Wii games. You can also make a playlist for your iPod filled with high-energy songs, or even soundtracks from the theme parks, to listen to while you’re getting fit.
    Workouts don’t need to be an hours-long, strenuous affair every day. In fact, breaking up exercise into small chunks is not only very beneficial, but it may also make you more likely to stick with it, even after your trip. And who knows, all of this fitness could inspire you to try a race, such as The Twilight Zone Tower of Terror 10-Miler, Tinker Bell Half Marathon or Disneyland 10K. So what are you waiting for? It’s time to get moving!