Home » 8 Awesome Details to Check Out at Walt Disney World – Wilderness Lodge

    8 Awesome Details to Check Out at Walt Disney World – Wilderness Lodge

    The Wilderness Lodge is one of the most richly themed resorts at Walt Disney World. While every resort offers an immersive experience, this one is so steeped in history and authenticity that it’s almost impossible to enjoy all of its stunning details on just one visit. Here are some fascinating features in this hotel that you won’t want to miss.

    1. The Five Flags

    Wilderness Lodge Flags

    The Wilderness Lodge has five flags perched on top. You’ll find one each for the United States, Florida, Disney World, the Disney Vacation Club, and the Wilderness Lodge. While these flags are picturesque from a distance, it’s their location that’s so notable. From this spot on the roof of the resort, you can see nearly every destination on property. Inquire at the concierge desk about you can attend the flag raising or lowering that takes place each day. The list fills up fast as only one family gets to participate daily, so check out this opportunity as early as you can.

    2. The Towering Totem Poles

    Wilderness Lodge Totem Poles

    The two massive totem poles in the lobby are impossible to overlook, but you may miss the story if you don’t know what you’re looking at. Each totem pole is 55 feet tall and tells its own story. The Raven Pole tell the story of how Raven put the sun, moon, and stars in the sky. The Eagle Pole tells the story of Bear Chief who is undertaking the task of educating his nephew Bear Cub. Each character on the pole relates to a specific portion of the story. Stop by the concierge desk for a printout of the complete tale associated with each totem pole.

    3. The Log Bundle Characters

    Wilderness Lodge Log Bundles

    The colorful totem poles take center stage in the lobby, so you may not notice the more subtle characters carved into the log bundles in each corner of the room. You’ll find 16 figures carved into the tops of the poles, including a bird of prey on each column. The iconic American Bald Eagle is featured twice with a different look on each version.

    4. The Grand Canyon Fireplace

    Grand Canyon Fireplace

    The towering Grand Canyon Fireplace in the corner of the lobby is 82 feet tall, making it a stunning feature you can’t miss. Cozy rocking chairs are gathered around the fire and there’s almost always an empty seat available. Again, what you’re likely to miss about this feature is the detailed story behind its design. The stones of the fireplace are arranged in clear layers that represent the strata of the Grand Canyon. Over 100 subtle colors are used in the intricate design.

    Grand Canyon Fireplace Hidden Mickey

    As an added bonus, you can spot a hidden Mickey etched into the fireplace design on the right side near the top of the pink layer.

    5. The Cradleboard Collection

    Native American Cradleboards

    Behind the check-in desk in the lobby of the Lodge, you’ll see a framed collection of Native American cradleboards. Native American mothers bound their infants to these sturdy boards so they could carry them on their backs, prop them up to see the world, and keep them safe. Cradleboards were traditionally crafted by a close female member of the family. The cradleboards on display in this collection include pieces from the Crow, Apache, Arapaho, Cheyenne, Ute, Kiowa, Navajo, and Comanche tribes.

    6. The Wild Footprints

    Bear Footprints

    Take a stroll around the exterior of the lodge and you’ll notice a plethora of footprints in the pavement. As in many areas around Disney, the ground here tells a story. Around the Lodge, these footprints represent various animals in keeping with the theme of the resort. You’ll see deer, bear, and even wolf prints at various spots along the paths.

    7. The Carolwood Pacific Room

    Lillie Belle Train Cars

    Located near the lobby of the Villas at Disney’s Wilderness Lodge, the Carolwood Pacific Room is a quiet retreat dedicated to Walt Disney’s love of trains. The space is filled with train-themed details, from miniature replicas to photos and paintings. The highlights of the room are the cattle car and gondola car from the original Lillie Belle. The Lillie Belle was a live steam train built to one-eighth scale that Walt ran around his Holmby Hills property. Iconic pictures of Walt show him riding the miniature train. The cars on display in this room are even sitting on two pieces from the original track.

    Carolwood Pacific Room Fireplace

    Don’t miss the fireplace in this room, either. Though less impressive than the Grand Canyon Fireplace, this one features a hidden Mickey all its own on the left side just beneath the mantle.

    Fireplace Hidden Mickey

    8. The Trails

    Wilderness Lodge Trail

    The Wilderness Lodge is actually within walking distance of Fort Wilderness via a wooded 2.5 mile trail. This trail is the perfect place to head if you’d like to spot some real Florida wildlife. Take a quiet stroll just before dusk and you’re likely to see several deer along the path. Wild turkeys and rabbits are common sights as well. If you don’t want to explore on foot, bikes and surrey bike rentals are available at Teton Boat & Bike Rental at the head of the path.

    This list only touches the surface of the detailed features found in the Wilderness Lodge. If you’re itching to learn more, head to the Grand Canyon fireplace at 9am Wednesday through Saturday for an hour-long tour that delves even deeper into the architecture and history of this resort.