Home » 7 Rides at Universal Orlando with Rider Size Restrictions (and How to Prepare for Them)

    7 Rides at Universal Orlando with Rider Size Restrictions (and How to Prepare for Them)

    The Incredible Hulk Coaster

    Universal Orlando has some of the most thrilling rides and roller coasters in the city. While Disney’s attractions tend to lean toward the tamer side, Universal is ready to throw you though intense twists, turns, and loops. The drawback, however, is that these rides often have strict rider size restrictions that don’t allow all guests to ride.

    If you’re larger than average in any way, you may have trouble getting on many of Universal’s most popular rides. Keep in mind that these restrictions often have little to do with being fit. Professional athletes can have the hardest time on these attractions. If you think this may apply to you, read on to find out where you could run in to trouble and what to do about it.

    1. The Incredible Hulk Coaster

    The Incredible Hulk CoasterThe Incredible Hulk Coaster

    The Incredible Hulk Coaster features an individual shoulder harness that comes down over each guest. If you have a long torso, broad shoulders, or a larger midsection, the harness may not come down far enough to properly lock in place. Two seats on each train have shoulder harnesses with different straps that will accommodate some guests with slightly larger body dimensions. However, there are still many people who simply won’t be able to ride.

    There are two test seats out front so you can see if you fit into either the standard or extended seat. If you need the larger seat, you should tell the team member who is grouping you (that’s the one that asks “how many”) to expedite your ride experience. Extended seats are located in rows 3 and 6.

    2. Dr. Doom’s Fearfall

    Dr. Doom's FearfallDr. Doom's Fearfall

    Like the Incredible Hulk, the harness on Dr. Doom’s Fearfall fits down over the rider’s shoulders. The restraint must be buckled, not simply locked into place. Dr. Doom does not have any extended seats, so if your torso is too tall, or your shoulders too broad for the buckle to clasp properly, you will not ride. There is a test seat outside you can use to determine whether you will fit.

    3. Revenge of the Mummy

    Revenge of the MummyRevenge of the Mummy

    Revenge of the Mummy uses a lap bar to keep guests secure. The bar must lock down securely for guests to ride. Team members can see a colored indicator on the side of the vehicle that will let them know whether the rider is secured. Tiered seating on the ride vehicles makes the back rows slightly larger and more comfortable for larger guests. Both long legs and wider midsections can be a problem on this ride. Check the seats outside before getting in line if you’re concerned about fitting.

    4. Hollywood Rip Ride Rockit

    Hollywood Rip Ride RockitHollywood Rip Ride Rockit

    Hollywood Rip Ride Rockit is unique in that it has a height restriction for riders as well as seat restrictions. Riders cannot be any taller than 79”. If you’re extraordinarily tall, you will not be allowed on the ride. Each seat has a circular lap bar that locks down over the rider. This creates additional limitations for guests with a wider midsection. Test seats are available out front.

    5. Harry Potter and the Escape from Gringotts

    Harry Potter and the Escape from GringottsHarry Potter and the Escape from Gringotts© 2014 Universal Orlando Resort. All rights reserved.

    Harry Potter and the Escape from Gringotts uses a similar ride system to  Revenge of the Mummy and therefore has similar  restrictions. Individual lap bars can cause problems for long legs and large midsections. Aim toward the back for more comfortable seating. Always make sure you use the test seats out front before getting in line. This is particularly important for this attraction because, as the newest ride in the park, wait times are expected to be extremely high.

    6. Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey


    The seats for Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey are very unique. Each seat is in its own box-like compartment. Guests with broad shoulders may not fit into this space, and those who do may feel claustrophobic. While you can see what’s directly in front of you, your peripheral vision is severely limited. The seats also feature a shoulder harness that must lock down completely over the rider. Extended seating is available, but even these seats are very small and exclude many riders. As with Gringotts, this ride often has one of the longer waits in the park, so make sure you use the test seats out front.

    The good news about Forbidden Journey is that you can still experience some of the castle’s highlights without riding. You can take a castle tour and walk through the best of the queue without getting on the ride or waiting in the long line. This is also a handy option for riders who are too short. Just ask a team member for directions.

    7. Ripsaw Falls

    Ripsaw FallsRipsaw Falls

    The ride vehicles for Ripsaw Falls are thin floating logs. Each rider has an individual lap bar that must lock down over their lap. If you have long legs or a larger midsection, you may have trouble getting the lap bar to lock properly. As with all these rides, you can use the test seat out front to find out if you will fit or not.

    The golden rule when it comes to fitting into these rides is to check the test seats. Every ride with size restrictions features these seats out front. If an extended seat is available, it’s featured out front as well. Stopping to check before you ride can save you a lot of time in line and free up your schedule for other less restrictive attractions.