Home » 6 Things Guests MUST Know About the New Fashion Craze Sweeping Disney Parks

    6 Things Guests MUST Know About the New Fashion Craze Sweeping Disney Parks

    Do you love participating in or (more likely) looking at cosplay? Did you realize that there is a special type of Disney cosplay enthusiast? No, they don’t dress up like Cinderella, sliding on their glass slippers to prepare for the Ball. Instead, people who participate in DisneyBounding, this specific type of alternative cosplay, re-imagine the classic garb of their favorite Disney characters by giving them a modern spin. Read on to discover how easy it is to become a part of the DisneyBound community, thereby adding a new layer of enjoyment to every new Disney theme park visit.

    The Basics:

    1. Origins of DisneyBound

    Image: Disney



    The concept of DisneyBound reflects the creative vision of Leslie Kalbfleisch (she prefers to be known as Leslie Kay), a Disney fanatic living in Toronto who decided that a standard park visit would not be enough for her. In planning her trip to Walt Disney World, she started coming up with novel ways to represent her favorite Disney characters through fashion ensembles. Within a few days, her Tumblr site was inundated with requests for appropriate garb, and the entire premise exploded.

    2. Understanding the Rules

    Image: Disney


    The Walt Disney Company spends a great deal of money properly training and employing their cast members. The last thing they want to do is allow the inevitable confusion caused by a bunch of people all dressed up as the same beloved Disney character. So, if you want to go DisneyBounding, you’re going to have to leave your sword and armor behind, no matter how much you may love Prince Charming.

    If you want to model this type of fashion statement, you must be respectful of theme park rules. Your garb simply cannot create confusion among observers. No matter how much you want to represent a Disney character, make it clear that you are not a park employee but instead a visitor. They will get a kick of the way you celebrate your passion straight down to your daily décor during a Disney park visit.

    3. How Is DisneyBound Different from Cosplay?

    Image: Disney

    This is one of the most confusing aspects of DisneyBound. Generally, the terms are used interchangeably, as I have done a couple of times above. Some DisneyBound fanatics bristle at the suggestion, and there is good reason for this reaction. The goal of Cosplay is to craft a costume so precise that you effectively become the character you mimic. Imagine basic examples such as Harley Quinn, Master Chief from Halo, and Yuna from Final Fantasy X. Cosplayers try to bring imaginary characters to life in the most realistic manner possible.

    That is not at all the goal of DisneyBound. Instead, the premise is to reflect the style of a beloved Disney character without duplicating the exact costume. For example, putting on a Minnie Mouse costume would be an example of Cosplay with an uncomfortable amount of Furry stuff thrown in for good measure.

    Conversely, a DisneyBound ensemble for Minnie Mouse would be splashy and hip. It would be something like a long-sleeve, black blouse with red polka dot skirt and yellow pumps. The shirt reflects Minnie’s costume color while the skirt embodies the color of the outfits she wears. And the yellow pumps are obviously requisite because Minnie wears yellow shoes. In dressing in this manner, a casual observer will consider you a fan of pin-up/rockabilly fashion. A discerning DisneyBound fan will instantly appreciate that you’re showing your love of Minnie to the best of your ability.

    Getting the DisneyBound look:

    1. Think about Colors

    Image: Disney

    Most (but not all) popular Disney characters used for DisneyBounding are animated. For this reason, thinking of them in terms of color scheme should be elementary. If you aren’t confident about the appropriate colors, a quick Google search will identify the appropriate shades to honor your favorite character.

    Here are a couple of examples. Zazu is a popular character from The Lion King whose back is light blue, whose chest is white, and whose beak is yellow and orange. He also has a royal blue feather sticking out of his head, which you can use to add a punctuation mark to your outfit. In order to DisneyBound as Zazu, you would want to choose apparel comprised of some/all of the colors listed above.

    Are you like my wife with a strong preference for Lilo & Stitch? Great news! DisneyBounding as Lilo is not only easy but also a great way to wear some splashy colors during your park visit. For a good portion of the movie, Lilo is clad in a festive red sundress with white flowers plus blue flip-flops. She also sports a hula skirt during her dance sequences (“But I practiced!”) plus a yellow and green sundress at other points in the film. All of these colors are viable options in building a Lilo DisneyBound outfit.

    2. Think about Style

    Image: Disney

    While thinking about color is easy, identifying the style of a specific Disney character and then matching it to your own can be trickier. For example, consider how you would DisneyBound as Genie from Aladdin. The character is a wiseacre with a flair for the slapstick and improvisational. Maybe you possess some of those qualities and maybe you don’t. Either way, you should find a way to mesh your personal fashion sensibilities to the character.

    This type of accessorizing may be easier than you think. What is Genie? He’s someone who comes out of a lamp to make wishes come true. How does Genie dress? He’s the classic Arabian Nights archetype with a loose-fitting look that happens to be his chubby blue skin. Is that all there is to him? NO! Genie also wears bracelets, a belt, and curly-pointed shoes. Odds are against your finding the shoes (they’re called jester slippers) unless you’re friends with a cobbler…or know somebody on Etsy.

    You can, however, easily find a pair of solid bracelets that match your style with that of Genie. Adding a kitschy belt enhances the recreation even more. The cherry on top, however, would be to find a necklace in the shape of a magic lamp. It’s something that clearly ties your look to Genie without drawing significant attention away from the rest of the outfit. Alternately, go over the top and wear a blue magic lamp t-shirt along with some puffy MC Hammer-style parachute pants. There is no right or wrong way to DisneyBound.

    3. Be Creative

    Image: Disney

    When you DisneyBound, you don’t have to feel constrained to the simple outfit that a character wears. In the summer, it’s obviously way too hot to wear boots and a sweater if you’re basing your attire off Frozen’s Anna. Instead, you could choose a simple tank top and shorts that reflect the magenta robe and black vest. For her turquoise and royal blue dress, you could accessorize with a purse, a headband, or shoes in those colors. You’re DisneyBounding on your own terms!

    Alternately, maybe you don’t want to DisneyBound as a favorite character, but rather as a beloved Disney ride. For Haunted Mansion, you could incorporate the purple and black colors that make up the attraction’s theme, and choose fun ghost jewelry for emphasis. If you peruse Etsy, a tremendous resource for potential DisneyBound gear, you might even find fun barrettes with the themes of the stretching portraits or a Madame Leota pendant. Everyone has their own preferred Disney theme park icon. It’s up to you to have fun with it.

    DisneyBound as a style is in its infancy. The only limit is your imagination, so feel free to use these suggestions as a jumping off point for grander plans.