Home » 6 Outrageously Overpriced Items at Walt Disney World

    6 Outrageously Overpriced Items at Walt Disney World

    Sunblock at Disney

    Most vacationers walk into a resort like Walt Disney World well-prepared for high prices. However, you may be surprised at the markups on some of the basic essentials you may need during your stay. The following items are not unique to Disney and can be purchased outside the parks and brought in. If you’re looking to slash your vacation spending, these essentials should top your list of things to pack from home.

    For this comparison, Walt Disney World prices are compared to the price at a local Target (unless otherwise noted). Similar items are probably a little cheaper at WalMart and a little more expensive at a grocery store like Publix, so individual prices will of course vary outside the parks.

    1. Sunblock

    Sunblock at DisneySunblock at Disney

    Average Disney Price: $18

    Average Store Price: $8

    Markup: 225%

    Lesson Learned: Sunblock is essential in Florida and savvy theme park marketers know this better than anyone. If you feel your shoulders roasting and you’ll ill-equipped, you’ll have little choice but to purchase a bottle from one of the gift shops. Plan ahead and bring tons of sunblock with you. Opt for a higher SPF than you usually use or at least keep a higher SPF on hand in case you want to switch to it later on..

    2. Batteries

    Batteries and Other Camera AccessoriesBatteries and Other Camera Accessories

    Disney Price: $12 for four (or $3 per battery)

    Store Price: $8 for 10 (or $0.80 per battery)

    Markup: 375%

    Lesson Learned: If you’re using a camera, fan, or any other item powered by batteries, bring extras with you. Don’t leave them at the hotel – keep them on hand. You won’t want to miss out on a half a day’s worth of pictures if your batteries don’t have the good grace to wait till the very end of the day to run out.

    3. Water Misting Fan

    Squeeze BreezeSqueeze Breeze

    Disney Price: $19

    Amazon.com Price: $10

    Markup: 190%

    Lesson Learned: To be fair, these are not absolutely identical items because the Disney Squeeze Breeze has Disney characters on it. If Disney characters are worth an extra $9 to you, get the authentic one. If you only kind of care about them, put some stickers on the cheaper one and you’ll still come out ahead.

    4. Peanut Butter and Jelly

    Peanut Butter and JellyPeanut Butter and Jelly

    Disney Price: $3.50 Each

    Store Price: $2.79 peanut butter/ $1.94 jelly

    Markup: 125%/180%

    Lesson Learned: If you’re buying peanut butter and jelly in the park because you want to make sandwiches, bring your own. If you’re buying it as a souvenir, just stop. This is the price for a regular jar of Jif or Smuckers, no Disney magic added.

    As a fun added fact, the $1.94 price was identical for both an 18oz jar and a 32oz jar at Target, so you literally double your jelly without spending another penny if you go that route.

    5. Dasani Bottled Water

    Dasani Bottled WaterDasani Bottled Water

    Disney Price: $2.50 per bottle

    Store Price: $5 for 24 (or $0.21 per bottle)

    Markup: 1190%

    Lesson Learned: Buy water outside the park, and buy it in bulk. Bring at least one bottle for everyone in your party each day. If you don’t mind tap water, just bring a refillable water bottle and get your H2O for free. If you forget the bottles and you’re dying of thirst, it’s important to know that every restaurant on property offers cups of ice water for free. This is a great alternative to water fountains which aren’t always so refreshing when they’ve been in the sun all day, just like you.

    6. Snacks

    Disney SnacksDisney Snacks

    There’s a long list of snacks you can purchase both inside and outside the parks, so I’ll feature just a few examples here. Since Disney lets you bring food and drinks into the park, you will always save money packing your own snacks, but this tactic can be something of an inconvenience.

    If you have children, however, chances are excellent that you’re hauling around a diaper bag anyway. You’re also probably rolling it along in the stroller where a little extra weight won’t make nearly the same difference as it will to an adult who’s just carrying a purse or wearing a backpack.

    Inside the park, you can get a piece of fruit like an apple or banana for $1.69. At a local store, you can get a whole pound of apples for less, at just $1.39. A pound of bananas is only $0.54. A Danimals SuperStars Greek Yogurt is $2.99 for a single cup, while a four pack runs only $2.69 in the store (that’s $0.67 per cup if you’re doing the math).

    Peanut butter and jelly kids meals at nearly any restaurant on property are just a Smucker’s uncrustable sandwich accompanied by a cup of yogurt, some grapes, and a drink. The meal is $5.49. At the store, you can purchase a box of 4 uncrustables for $2.94 or 18 uncrustables for $10 (making each one $0.74 or $0.56 respectively.) Filling a small cooler with fruit, yogurt, and these easily portable sandwiches will keep kids fed all day for a fraction of the cost.

    While many of these prices seem astronomical, it’s important to remember that what you’re paying for is convenience, and sometimes it’s worth it. Stack these prices up against your own experiences and you can balance your budget with your own vacation needs for an outcome that keeps everyone happy.