Home » 6 Awesome Spots That Tell the Story of DinoLand USA at Disney’s Animal Kingdom

    6 Awesome Spots That Tell the Story of DinoLand USA at Disney’s Animal Kingdom

    Wondering about that tacky carnival dripping with dinosaurs in the midst of Animal Kingdom? These spots will get you to the bottom of this area’s rich storyline.

    To the average tourist, DinoLand USA looks horribly out of place in a Disney theme park. This area is everything that the Disney name is not – gaudy, tacky, and stereotypical. You could pick up Dinorama and replace it any mall parking lot in the country and it would look more at home outside the JC Penny than it does nestled between exotic Discovery Island and the majestic peaks of the Forbidden Mountain.

    Despite its unusual appearance, DinoLand USA is not the cheap addition that it seems to be. This area has a richer story line than nearly any other spot in a Disney park. You just have to know what to look for.

    1. Inside Restaurantosaurus

    The dining area in Restaurantosaurus

    If you’re not paying close attention, the interior of Restaurantosaurus will look like a confusing mish-mash of styles. This is more than another crazy-crap-on-the-wall restaurant. This single building can tell you the entire story of DinoLand USA if you pay close attention.

    Restaurantosaurus was originally a fishing lodge. Look past the add-ons and you’ll see that the core of the building still has that rustic look and feel. In the soaring ceilings and wood paneling, you can see the first incarnation of this space.

    In 1947, an amateur fossil hunter stumbled upon the first significant findings in the area. He joined together with several of his fellow scientists to purchase the land and turned the fishing lodge into a visitor’s center. From there, the space evolved into a museum housing some of the area’s earliest finds. The Dino Institute later used the building as their first fossil lab.

    Display case in Restaurantosaurus

    Today, Restaurantosaurus serves as both a commissary and a dormitory for the Dino Institute’s grad students. Look past the remnants of old fossil exhibits and you’ll begin to see signs of how the building is used now. You’ll see the vehicle maintenance building, rec room, and even some sleeping spaces elevated above the dining areas. Look up and you can spot a tire swing tacked up in the rafters, offering a clue as to the rowdy activities that take place here when the grad students return for the night and the restaurant is closed.

    2. The Rooftops of Restaurantosaurus

    Grad student hangout on the roof of Restaurantosaurus

    Keep your eyes focused upwards when you’re approaching Restaurantosaurus and you’ll see that this spot is a favorite hangout for the grad students inhabiting the town. Lawn chairs on the roof offer a comfortable spot for lounging. Plungers stuck to the water tower are just one example of the pranks that grad students like to play in this area.

    3. The Notice Board Across from the Boneyard

    This bulletin board brims with insightful notes

    If you really want an in-depth look at the storyline behind DinoLand USA, the notice board across from the Boneyard is a must-see spot. This board contains everything from a map of the area complete with notations from the grad students’ point of view, to a welcome letter from the resident professors.

    As you’re examining the map in the upper right corner, take a good look at the area where you’ll now find Dinosaur. This attraction still has its original moniker on this map: Countdown to Extinction. The ride’s name was changed after the Dinosaur movie came out, to capitalize on the silver screen success. (As a side note, another little nod to the ride’s original name exists in the loading area where you’ll see “CTX” on the wall.)

    This handy area map is complete with notations

    Don’t miss the little notes between grad students. You can get a great feel for the relationships going on by reading these little messages. Every now and then you’ll even see that professors have to step in and mediate to keep things professional.

    Notes between students can get a little personal

    4. The Students’ Lounge in the Boneyard

    This lounge area shows off the grad students’ personalities

    The boneyard is a prominent excavation site where the Dino Institute’s grad students spend most of the day uncovering new finds. This area is packed with little nods to the storyline behind DinoLand USA. You’ll see bulletin boards throughout the area that provide more than just a lesson on prehistoric fossils. Many have entire scientific debates played out through back-and-forth notes between students.

    The best spot for getting to know the grad students of DinoLand USA is the lounge area on the upper level of the Boneyard. This area is fenced off so you can see the students’ lawn chairs, stereo, cooler, and tables, but you can’t actually touch any of these little gems. Take a good look at the whiteboard at the back and you can get to know each student individually. This board features tongue-in-cheek dinosaur names for the students as well as some notes about their personalities.

    5. Chester and Hester’s Dinosaur Treasures

    The tacky gift shop at the hearts of Dinorama

    Chester and Hester are the source of all that is bright and gaudy about DinoLand USA. When the Dino Institute came to town and began attracting tourists, Chester and Hester saw a chance to renovate their sleepy gas station and make some big bucks off of the influx of visitors. Thus, Dinorama was born.

    Signage around Chester and Hester’s shows what was

    Chester and Hester’s Dinosaur Treasures is at the heart of Dinorama, because it shows you both what was and what is. Look closely at this gift shop and you’ll see the out-of-use gas pumps that are one of the few reminders of what this bright and overwhelming gift shop used to be. Look closely at the signs and you can also see some places where the original gas station signage was painted right over.

    6. Primeval Whirl

    Dinorama is the gaudy roadside response to Dinosaur

    Primeval Whirl is a wacky imitation of Dinosaur. When Chester and Hester heard about the thrilling ride back in time that visitors were taking at the Dino Institute, they decided to try and build a competing attraction for their roadside carnival. Since they couldn’t actually send guests back in time, they decided to simulate the experience as best they could.

    Primeval Whirl features the same incline at the beginning that you’ll find in Dinosaur. It also has the jerky “left, right, left, left!” action that Dr. Seeker uses with your time rover. At the end, the meteor hits and the dinosaurs’ story ultimately ends, along with your spin.

    Once you begin to see the storyline behind DinoLand USA, you’ll realize that this area is far more than meets the eye. The storyline here is so rich that it actually supports an entire cast of characters, from Chester and Hester to Dr. Seeker to the grad students. Get to know them all a little better on your next visit by hitting up these fascinating spots.