Home » 5 Ways Guests can Pass the Disney Magic On

    5 Ways Guests can Pass the Disney Magic On

    Walt Disney World cast members, as well as Universal Orlando team members, go out of their way to create magical moments for guests. These random acts of kindness can turn a bad day around or elevate a good day into something truly great. Yet with so many guests in the parks each day, it would be physically impossible for the cast members to create magic for every single person.

    If you want to become a part of the magic yourself, why not think like a cast member and do something special for someone else? Here are 5 easy suggestions that can truly brighten someone else’s day.

    1. Pass out something fun

    Kids get bored and restless waiting for parades or evening shows. As any parent knows, a restless kid can quickly turn into a whining child who makes life difficult for himself and everyone around him. If you have kids of your own, why not bring along something inexpensive that they can hand out to the other children around them? Many families choose glow sticks, but other possibilities include sealed candy, stickers, and even handmade bracelets of string or rubber bands.

    Sharing is a great way for your kids to learn manners and the importance of kindness, and even to make new friends. Just be sure to ask the parents’ permission first, as not everyone is comfortable with their child accepting a present from a stranger.

    2. Share your knowledge

    If you know your way around the parks, why not pass along some of that knowledge to others? When you see someone with a map open, ask if you can give the person directions. When sharing a bench with another guest, mention your favorite place to watch Wishes. Just a tidbit or two can make a real difference in the quality of someone else’s vacation.

    Never feel uncomfortable simply because you are unsure how much knowledge the other person already has. Most Disney fans are always happy to discuss the parks and trade information with other fans. You might be able to teach someone something new, and even pick up a hot tip yourself.

    3. Pay it forward

    A wonderful random act of kindness is to give someone something they don’t expect in the middle of a perfectly ordinary day. If you’re on the dining plan and having trouble using up your snack credits, why not buy popcorn for the couple behind you in line at a cart? If you can swing it, randomly picking up someone’s dinner check could be the highlight of their vacation.

    One of my favorite pay it forward moments didn’t cost a nickel, but highlighted the pure heart of a child. During Star Wars Weekends a few years ago, my dad really wanted to meet David Prowse (Darth Vader). Unfortunately, we weren’t able to arrive early enough in the morning to get Fast Passes for his autograph session. A little boy, maybe 5 years old, happened to overhear us discussing the situation.

    The boy walked straight up to my father clutching a David Prowse Fast Pass in his hand. Very politely, he said, “Excuse me. I want to give you this.” He absolutely insisted that Dad take the Fast Pass. We tried to refuse to the boy’s father, but he shook his head. We fell all over ourselves saying thank you, and the father and son walked away with huge grins on their faces.

    4. Share your spot

    Staking out a spot for a parade is often an exercise in frustration, especially when the crowds start surging as parade time draws near. While I don’t advocate letting late arrivals crowd you out, why not take a look around? If you spot a small child who clearly won’t be able to see, why not ask the parents if the child can join you? It’s easy enough to see over a little one’s head, and sharing your spot is a simple kindness that can mean the world to that child and his or her parents.

    5. Don’t forget the cast members

    Guest Relations

    While it is true that the cast members are being paid to make your vacation great, their job is often a thankless one. Why not brighten up a cast member’s day? Some people carry little business-sized cards with their names and trip dates, and add a handwritten message. Some give small trinkets.

    While these and similar ideas are certainly welcomed and appreciated in the moment, there is something even bigger you can do for a cast member who has truly gone the extra mile. Note that person’s name (first name is fine) and location, and the approximate time of the situation. Before you leave the park that night, stop by Guest Relations (Guest Services at Universal) to fill out a form explaining what happened. The note will become a permanent part of the cast member’s personnel file, and could even make a difference when he or she is considered for a raise, transfer, or promotion. What an amazing way to give back to the people who really go out of their way to give you a great experience!

    There is nothing wrong with simply kicking back, focusing on your family, and soaking in all that Walt Disney World has to offer. But if you find the Disney magic infectious and want to pass it along to others, you can often have a real impact on someone else’s experience. What could be more magical than that?