Home » 5 Ways to Get the Best Ride Photos at Walt Disney World

    5 Ways to Get the Best Ride Photos at Walt Disney World

    We’ve all seen awesome ride photos — and we’ve all had some taken of ourselves that we’d rather forget. Fortunately, memorable, purchase-worthy ride photos aren’t too difficult to create — they just require some planning and patience. Here are 5 ways to get the best ride photos at Walt Disney World.

    1. Plan your perfect picture.


    Planning can start long before you step onto the Magical Express bus to be whisked to the World. You can even bring props. Some memorable ride photos have featured a group partaking in a leisurely breakfast while zipping down Splash Mountain, a secret marriage proposal on Tower of Terror (guests held up signs reading “Will you marry me?”), and a lightsaber fight on Space Mountain. You could even bring a blanket and pose as if you’re sleeping on the ride, or bring a board game onboard (just make sure the pieces are glued down!).

    2. Figure out where to sit.

    Tower of Terror

    Different rides have different seating configurations, so on some rides you’ll be able to get your whole group together but on others you’ll be split up or you’ll have strangers in your photos. Here are the seating arrangements for the attractions that have cameras.

    • Space Mountain: Each ride vehicle holds six people, but they’re divided into two groups so only three people will be shown in each picture. 
    • Splash Mountain: Eight people are shown in each vehicle. 
    • Seven Dwarfs Mine Train: Each car on the five-car train holds four people. About three cars of people will be shown in the photos. 
    • Buzz Lightyear’s Space Ranger Spin: The ride vehicle holds two people and both will be shown in the photo. 
    • Rock ‘n’ Roller Coaster Starring Aerosmith: Each limo has 24 seats, but the limos are divided into six sections, each with four seats. The photo will show four people. 
    • The Twilight Zone Tower of Terror: The ride elevator shows about 22 people and all of them will be shown. 
    • Test Track: Each car holds six people and all will be visible. 
    • Expedition Everest: The train holds 34 people, but it’s divided into six sections. Five of those hold six people and the back car holds four. In the front five sections, six people will be in the photo; in the back car with the engine, four people will be pictured. 
    • Dinosaur: The ride vehicle holds 12 people, and all will be shown. 

    Make sure you’re in the right seats if you want to be in the same picture with your group. Cast members can usually help you accomplish this if you let them know.

    3. Memorize the camera locations.


    Don’t get caught off-guard and miss your chance for a great close-up! Here’s where the cameras are located:

    • Space Mountain: The camera on this ride takes a photo soon after the ride starts. Right before you leave the tunnel, the camera snaps during the strobe light effects. 
    • Splash Mountain: Make sure to smile at the top of the mountain, right before the drop. 
    • Seven Dwarfs Mine Train: This ride takes two photos: one as you come down the first hill and the second when you come out of the tunnel. (Note: This ride is the only one that doesn’t have monitors where you can view or buy your photos after the ride. The photos can be viewed on your PhotoPass account.) 
    • Buzz Lightyear’s Space Ranger Spin: The camera on this ride is in the final room, when the vehicle is spinning on its own. The camera is to the right of Emperor Zurg. 
    • Rock ‘n’ Roller Coaster Starring Aerosmith: The camera here takes a photo right as you enter the tunnel when the ride launches. 
    • The Twilight Zone Tower of Terror: This ride’s camera is a little trickier to anticipate because it takes a photo at the beginning of the ride sequences, but those sequences vary. 
    • Test Track: As soon as you go on the outside track, your picture is taken. 
    • Expedition Everest: The ride’s camera snaps at the start of the 80-foot drop. 
    • Dinosaur: The photo is taken when you see the T-rex on the right at the ride’s end.

    4. Be considerate of your neighbors (and hope that they’re considerate too!).

    Expedition Everest

    If you’ll have strangers in your photos, try not to block them in their pictures. And, of course, don’t bring props that could possibly injure yourself or others, or props that you don’t want to lose on the ride.

    5. Don’t forget to smile.

    Splash Mountain

    Have fun, and remember – if at first you don’t succeed in getting an awesome picture, ride, ride again!