Home » 5 Ways Disney Cast Members Make Guest Experiences Magical

    5 Ways Disney Cast Members Make Guest Experiences Magical

    Mexico Cast Member

    Disney cast members, as well as Universal team members, have arguably one of the best jobs in the world that people who love people could have. While it is true that they work long hours for not nearly enough pay, they have the unique opportunity to make guests’ dreams come true.

    The legendary Disney magic comes from the front line cast members, backed up by solid policies that were handed down by Walt himself. As Walt once said, “You can design and create, and build the most wonderful place in the world. But it takes people to make the dream a reality.” Here are 5 ways that Disney cast members are empowered to give you a magical moment.

    1. Playing with your kids, or with you

    Mexico Cast Member

    Whether they are hula-hooping before a parade or waving goodnight while wearing a giant Mickey hand, an important part of any cast member’s job is to play. Of course, they always have to remain mindful of safety, and sometimes their hands are full with performing the necessary tasks to make operations run smoothly. But many cast members take every chance they can get to play around with their guests.

    For example, when I worked at Kilimanjaro Safaris, I loved the positions that involved interacting with guests who were standing in line, such as Pram (stroller) Parking or Fast Pass Return. I would always catch the eye of someone who looked bored or tired and ask if they had packed their suitcase. After all, I reminded them, they were about to board a 2-week safari that was so much fun it would feel like only 20 minutes. Almost invariably, the guest would perk up and get reenergized for the ride.

    2. Helping you spring a surprise

    Parade Grand Marshal

    Planning a marriage proposal, Grandma’s 90th birthday party, or your best friend’s bachelorette bash in the Disney parks? Let the cast members you come into contact with know what you’re up to. Your resort concierge might be able to swing a free gift basket, or the Fantasmic! attendant might distract the other person while you set up the big moment. You might even get to be the Grand Marshals in the Magic Kingdom parade!

    The key to this sort of magical moment is not to expect it. With tens of thousands of visitors every day, Walt Disney World hosts a seemingly limitless stream of special activities. It would be impossible for cast members to pull off secret surprises for every single one. But when they can, most cast members get a kick out of being part of your special surprise.

    3. Replacing items

    Ice Cream Stand

    Disney wants guests to be happy, so all front line cast members are empowered to spend a few dollars replacing lost or damaged items at the company’s expense. The classic example that all cast members learn in training is that of a child who drops his ice cream bar. Rather than having to seek out a manager and go through a complicated paperwork trail, a cast member can approach the family and walk them over to the nearest stand to replace the ice cream. Obviously there are more stringent procedures for higher-priced products, but seeing the smile on a guest’s face is worth it to almost any front line cast member.

    4. Chatting you up

    Norway Cast Members

    In general, Disney cast members are a chatty bunch. While they have to balance conversation with their other duties, they are always happy to converse whenever possible.

    Want to practice your language skills? Head over to the World Showcase. Cast members on the International Program come over to work for a year at their home country’s pavilion. They are happy to talk to guests in either English or their native language about their country, the pavilion, their experiences, or anything else.

    Many cast members love sharing insider tips and tricks, from their favorite Illuminations viewing spot to what time to arrive to score a celebrity autograph Fast Pass during Star Wars Weekends. Some are eager to tell you everything they can think of, while others need a bit of prompting. Either way, if you want to know the best way to do something at Walt Disney World, ask a cast member or two. Remember, they spend the better part of their lives at the parks!

    5. Making the impossible possible


    For many cast members, their favorite moments are the times that they can go way above and beyond the call of duty. A family receiving a substantial room upgrade, a child sharing a ride with a favorite character, and a honeymooning couple getting a same-day reservation for the California Grill during Wishes are all extremely tough for cast members to pull off, but it doesn’t stop them from trying now and then.

    Many families vacation at Walt Disney World for years and never receive this sort of nearly-impossible pixie dust, so please don’t expect it or, worse, demand it on your next vacation. Just know that in some cases the stars align just right, and cast members are able to pull off those truly “Wow” moments. You never know, if you are pleasant and friendly and just going about your business, someday it could happen to you!