Home » 5 Reasons Why Even the Richest Person Needs to Experience Walt Disney World on a Budget

    5 Reasons Why Even the Richest Person Needs to Experience Walt Disney World on a Budget

    Image - Sam Howzit/Flickr

    It’s easy to assume that the more money you spend at a theme park, the better of a time you’ll have there. That’s even true, in some ways. However, if you play your cards right, going to a park with a smaller budget can free you up to enjoy the experience in an entirely different and maybe even a more fulfilling way. The theme park experience isn’t about spending a ton of money (as much as Disney and Universal and other companies will try to convince you it is), but rather about wrapping yourself up in the joy and wonder available to anybody who has paid the entry fee to get into the park. Here are a few reasons why even the most wealthy of individual would likely enjoy a more thrifty excursion to a theme park.  

    1. With less money, you don’t get so easily distracted by the merchandise.

    Image - Sam Howzit/Flickr

    Purchasing merchandise from some of the plethora of stores found in theme parks can be fun, yes, but it’s rarely the primary reason people go to the parks. The main point of going is to soak up the experience that Disney, Universal and other companies have prepared for anyone who has paid to enter the parks. The attractions and the atmosphere are usually the highlights of a trip, and are essentially presented on an even playing field so that anyone of any financial status in the parks receives the same sense of awe and adventure. The merchandise, along with anything else in the parks with a price tag on it, rips you out of that magical shared experience, reminding you that not everything is equal, even in some of the happiest places on Earth.

    2. You can have fun trying to score great deals.

    Saving some money might not seem like a big concern if you’re wealthy, but there’s a reason even the richest of the rich love shows like The Price is Right and Storage Wars. Tracking down savings can be entertaining for everyone, regardless of their financial status. Turn bargain hunting into a game of its own to play with the rest of your family or the group of friends that accompanied you to the theme park. Challenge each other to get the most value out of a predetermined amount of money, and see what unique adventure that takes you all on.

    3. You open yourself up to something new.

    Just because you can afford the fanciest, most expensive restaurants at Disney World doesn’t mean that you should always dine there or at the other very pricey locations. Sometimes a cheap meal can be the best meal, and you’ll never know until you try it. Read this to learn about some of the best but still affordable eateries at Walt Disney World. Another advantage is that you’ll interact with a much more diverse group of people at the affordable places. It’s boring to only be with your own ilk. Enjoy the accompaniment of people different from you, and take advantage of how many of the major theme parks are true melting pots.

    4. You get to figure out ways to improve the park experience that no amount of money can buy.

    Being thrifty will force you to think of ways to compensate for your lower budget. You’ll figure out ways to make your trip to a theme park more enjoyable that you never would have considered otherwise. One way is to not limit your food options to what you can find at the theme parks. Sometimes a meal from home, maybe even one based on a family recipe, is something you’ll enjoy more than anything you can buy in the parks. Even better, it saves you precious vacation time you’d spend waiting to order and you can pull out a snack whenever you want! That’s just one improvement possible from going to the parks on a tighter budget.

    5. The experience becomes less materialistic and more pure.

    Even though you’re usually purchasing an “all-access pass,” it’s very easy (intentionally so) for the park experience to feel like it’s driven by commerce. Even if you’re rich you still might not be able to afford absolutely everything you want. Free yourself from that desire to get more and more stuff by going in with the intention of not buying anything that you don’t actually need to have a fun day at the park. You might end up with a little less swag after your vacation, yeah, but you’ll have had the chance to experience the parks in a more pure form. Since that only requires you to spend LESS money, there’s no good reason not to take advantage of it.