Home » 5 Easy Ways You Can Give Some Magic Back to Cast Members

    5 Easy Ways You Can Give Some Magic Back to Cast Members

    Characters Talking

    Cast Members make the Disney World go ‘round, quite literally. Often it is their job to be so engrained in the show that they are hardly even noticed. However, Cast Members are people too! Read on to discover 5 unique ways you can show appreciation to your favorite Cast Members outside of the traditional Cast Member compliment.

    1.Talk About Them

    Characters TalkingFab Five Chatting
    Image: Carlos, Flickr (license)
    While being a Cast Member is one of the most desired jobs out there for Disney fans, it’s still a job. As such, there is a community built in each location that a Cast Member works. Whether they are part of the Pirates Crew or a flight attendant at Star Tours, Cast Members have friends spread throughout the workplace. This means that when you talk about a Cast Member, their friends listen! It is always great to hear that a guest kept mentioning your hard work. Even better, your friends (and sometimes even your supervisors) get to hear about the great guest interactions you have.

     2. Listen to Them

    Unload Cast Member

    Unloading Submarines
    Image: Mark Adams, Flickr (license)

    While being a Cast Member is an amazing experience, there can be days where it just feels like endless lines of cranky guests. Even more so, its eternally frustrating when a guest fails to listen to instructions and causes problems. As such, Cast Members greatly appreciate a guest who acknowledges their existence and listens carefully for any instructions. Even so, we appreciate having a short conversation if there’s time! Most Cast Members are in the industry for the guests and love every time a guest tells them about their amazing experience in the parks.

     3. Sympathize with Them

    Cast Members Only!Cast Members Only!
    Image: Harshlight, Flickr (license)
    Let’s be honest, guests can be difficult. Whether it is the effects of a long, hot day in the parks or the last straw of an annoying child, sometimes guests are simply rude. However, a Cast Member will never respond negatively, even to the rudest guest. Even though their smile never leaves, it can take a serious toll. A great way to help revitalize a Cast Member is to sympathize with their plight. Whether it’s simply “Wow, they could have been nicer.” Or “That was not at all your fault.” Any sympathy will help a Cast Member move on with their day.

    4. Address Them By Name

    Disney Name TagKayla’s Nametag
    Image: Loren Javier, Flickr (license)

    All Cast Members proudly display their signature Disney name tags whenever they are on stage. During training, receiving the name tag is much like a graduation. The name tag signifies the effort and work each Cast Member puts in to drive forward Walt Disney’s epic narrative. As such, simply addressing a Cast Member by the name badge they wear helps them feel included and supported by guests around them. Even more so, it can help get their attention! Hearing “Hey you!” doesn’t help much in the sea of thousands of Disney park goers.

    5. Write a Letter

    Disneyland MailboxDisney Mailbox
    Image: Scott Smith, Flickr (license)
    This is perhaps the pinnacle of Cast Member compliments. If a Cast Member has made a profound impact that resonated throughout your Disney vacation, do this! When a guest writes a letter to a Disney Resort, that letter is read and processed by an administrative team. When a letter mentions a Cast Member who went above and beyond their call of action to create a truly magical experience for a guest, that is noted. The Cast Member is often recognized not only by the administrative team, but by other members of the Disney community as well! And sometimes that letter is even used to help inspire other budding Cast Members in their “Traditions” class. A letter may take you fifteen minutes to write, but it leaves a lifetime of legacy with the Walt Disney Company.