Home » The 5 Best and Worst Places to Watch the Wishes Fireworks at Disney’s Magic Kingdom

    The 5 Best and Worst Places to Watch the Wishes Fireworks at Disney’s Magic Kingdom

    Wishes has been the Magic Kingdom’s beloved nighttime closing show for more than a decade. Hosted by Jiminy Cricket and the Blue Fairy, the 12-minute spectacular blends fireworks, castle projections, and narration into a cohesive storyline not often found in traditional fireworks shows. Many Disney fans have their favorite viewing spots, and passionate debates have been known to break out on social media. In my opinion, 5 spots rise above the rest as the absolute best places to watch Wishes, while 5 more sink to the bottom of the pack.

    The Best Viewing Locations

    1. The Hub/Main Street USA

    Anywhere from the Partners statue in the hub down the center of Main Street USA provides an unblocked, castle-centered, traditional view of Wishes. If you are a first-time visitor, an eager photographer, or just wanting to view the show as the Imagineers intended, this is the best spot in the park. Get there early to secure a good view, as many people stake out their location before the Main Street Electrical Parade, and stay put until the end of Wishes.

    2. Main Street Train Station

    If you prefer a birds-eye view, sitting in a chair, or staying away from the crowds, the top level of the Main Street Train Station is a great choice. Some people feel that the view is somewhat blocked by the flag pole out front, but the fireworks are high enough that I’ve never seen this as an issue. Not too many people know about this one, or are willing to climb the stairs at the end of the night, so it’s a wonderful way to get a similar view to the above, without fighting the crowd or arriving ridiculously early.

    3. Fantasyland

    If you are a fireworks aficionado and don’t mind missing the castle projections, the heart of Fantasyland is the best place to be. With fireworks going off extremely close by, you will feel like you are literally engulfed…yet Disney cast members are on hand to ensure that you don’t get dangerously close to the action. Note that if anyone in your party has a fear of fireworks or loud noises, this would become the worst spot in the park…but barring phobias, you simply can’t beat this location for the sheer thrills.

    4. Contemporary Resort

    Image: Disney

    If you want to go all-out for a special occasion, book a table at the California Grill. Located on the 15th floor of the Contemporary Resort, this high-end restaurant boasts spectacular views of the Magic Kingdom and prime viewing for Wishes. The lights are dimmed and the music piped into the restaurant for a truly magical experience.

    For a similar view without the price tag, try the fourth floor balcony at the Contemporary. Head to the opposite end of the building from Chef Mickey’s and the Contempo Café, and out the unmarked doors on either side of the main corridor. There is a small seating area facing the castle, the music is piped in, and the entire concrete patio provides excellent viewing. For an even better bird’s eye view, head up the outdoor stairs one or two floors. There is usually a small gathered crowd, but nothing like what you will experience inside the Magic Kingdom.

    5. Polynesian Beach

    Polynesian Village Resort Beach

    Image: Disney

    For the ultimate in relaxation, make your way to the beach at the Polynesian Resort. Grab a lounge chair and kick back with an excellent view. The music is piped in, the white sand beach is beautiful, and the crowds are usually small. It just doesn’t get any better than that!


    The Worst Viewing Locations

    1. The Hub/Main Street USA

    The Hub gets crowded

    While it made the top of our Best Viewing list due to its prime traditional fireworks view, the area from the Partners statue to the back of Main Street USA is the worst spot in the park for those who don’t want to fight crowds. Even on very slow nights, you will be shoulder-to-shoulder with thousands of your new best friends. On nights with capacity crowds, you will be squished in like a sardine, quite possibly unable to move at all until the crush of people begins to funnel out of the park gates. If you have crowd anxiety but want to see the view, try hovering in a shop doorway or hanging out right by the park exit. It won’t be quite a perfect view, but it will be dramatically less crowded.

    2. Frontierland

    Frontierland Town Hall

    If you can time it just right, the drop on Splash Mountain provides a breathtaking overlook. But most of Frontierland offers so-so viewing at best. You won’t be able to see the castle projections, some of the fireworks will be blocked, and the ones you do see will be very off-center. Avoid this location unless you have a pressing reason to be there and just consider Wishes to be a small bonus.

    3. The Monorail

    Like Splash Mountain, the monorail can provide a tremendous view if everything aligns just perfectly. But the majority of the time, you’ll end up stopped in a place where you can’t see much or stuck at the station waiting for the monorail to show up. If you happen to catch Wishes from a good place on the tracks, consider it a lucky happenstance, but don’t plan your only viewing opportunity around the monorail schedule.

    4. Tomorrowland

    Astro Orbiter at Magic Kingdom

    The bridge to Tomorrowland is a prime viewing location, especially for those who want a Hub view without the overcrowding. The further into Tomorrowland you go, however, the worse the view gets. The Tomorrowland Terrace Noodle Station is often mentioned as a great spot, but only a few tables actually have a prime view, and the noise of those around you trying to adjust their chairs to find a better angle can be deafening. Like Frontierland, it is best to avoid Tomorrowland unless you have another reason to be there.

    5. Off property

    Many local hotels and resorts tout their view of Wishes as a reason to stay there, and it is true that watching the show from your balcony can be fun. But the further away you are, the less spectacular the view will seem, and off-site hotels don’t pipe in the soundtrack. By all means, enjoy the show if you happen to be in your off-site room when it starts, but don’t plan your vacation around it. The TTC boat dock and any of the Magic Kingdom resorts offer free alternatives with a closer view.

    What are your favorite and least favorite places to see Wishes? Why do you prefer one location over another? Share your opinions in the comments!