Home » 4 Things Guests Always Forget to Do Before The Ultimate Disney Day

    4 Things Guests Always Forget to Do Before The Ultimate Disney Day

    Family with Cell Phone

    Some people on vacation enjoy waking up late, leisurely walking around a theme park, and calling it a day when they get tired.  However, others like to have the ultimate Disney day, where they are the first ones in the park in the morning and the last ones to leave at night.  As fun as this is, it can also be challenging and exhausting, so there are a few things to do before attempting the ultimate theme park day.

    1. Plan, Plan, Plan

    Family on Phone

    Image: Disney

    For most dedicated Disney fans, this comes as second nature.  Many guests love making FastPass+ and restaurant reservations months in advance.  But you may need to put in some extra planning if you want to spend as much time in the parks as possible.

    For example, it’s crucial to check park hours to make sure you can get the maximum amount of hours in the park.  If you are staying on Disney property, you will definitely want to take advantage of a park with Extra Magic Hours.  Also, some restaurants will let guests in the park before the official opening hours if they have an early breakfast reservation, and some seat dinner guests up until the park’s official closing time, expanding the time you can spend in the parks.

    Also consider park hopping to expand your day.  It’s entirely possible to catch two night shows in one night if you can get to a monorail or boat quick enough.  One park may have an early opening, but another may stay open later, so park hopping maximizes the amount of time you can spend in the parks.

    2. Schedule a leisurely activity

    Carousel of Progress

    Anyone who had spent a full day in any theme park knows it can be exhausting.  Waiting on long lines, walking around in the Florida heat, and running across a park to make it to a reservation in time can drain a lot of energy and make you rethink your plans.  That is why it is so important to schedule a slow, leisurely activity around the middle of the day.  A great example would be an attraction like Ellen’s Energy Adventure, the American Adventure, the Hall of Presidents or the Carousel of Progress.  Each of these attractions, is over 10 minutes long, indoors, and air conditioned.  These attractions are great for sitting down, enjoying the cool air, and just generally taking a break from the chaos outside.

    Another idea would be to make a dining reservation, where you can sit around and relax for a while.  Although it may be more expensive than getting food at a quick service restaurant, you don’t have to stand around waiting for the food and you don’t have to hunt for a table.  Picking a less-busy restaurant is also preferable, so you don’t feel rushed to finish eating so other guests can have your table.  Take some time, order a dessert or a drink, and relax before setting off into the park again.

    3. Pack lots of snacks

    Snack Stand

    On busier days, it’s possible to get into a theme park as early at 7:00 or 8:00 AM.  Sometimes, parks like Magic Kingdom don’t close until after midnight.  Even if you plan for three full meals during the day, chances are you will still find times in between meals where you will be hungry and need a snack, especially in the afternoon or later in the night.

    Luckily, Disney allows guests to bring food into the parks.  Although you wouldn’t be able to bring your large ice chest and have a full picnic in front of Cinderella Castle, it is easy enough to throw some snacks into a backpack.  The best options are non-perishable foods like chips, crackers, and pretzels that can also easily fit into a baggie.  Other great options are healthier foods that can provide energy during the day like granola bars, fruits, and even carrot sticks.  Although you can certainly buy many (delicious) snacks in the parks, bringing your own food saves money and time standing around in lines.  Plus, it’s convenient if you want to snack on something while waiting on a long line or are waiting for a show to start.  

    It’s also a great idea to bring a reusable water bottle.  Although you can always ask for a cup of water from a quick service restaurant, it’s more convenient to carry around your own bottle so you can take a sip whenever you get thirsty.  There are plenty of water fountains located around the park (including by most restrooms) so you can easily fill it up without waiting in line.  It’s very important to stay hydrated during such a long day in the sun, so make sure to take plenty of drinks during the day to avoid getting sick or dehydrated.

    4. Pick an appropriate wardrobe

    One of the best parts of staying in the parks all day is never needing to go back to your hotel room.  Because of that, it’s important to dress in layers, especially in the winter time.  Although you may not believe it, Orlando does occasionally get cold, especially at night. If you are planning on doing the ultimate Disney day, check the weather forecast and consider bringing a light jacket with you into the parks.  Either throw it into a locker or tie it around your waist during the day and put it on when the sun goes down.  No one wants to watch the night shows cold and miserable.

    Also check the forecast and see if there is going to be rain sometime during the day.  If you are visiting during the summer months, you can pretty much guarantee a brief shower between 2:00-4:00 PM. Pack a rain jacket, poncho, or umbrella with you and have it handy.  Also, consider bringing an extra pair of socks and shoes, because it can take a while for them to fully dry.  Whatever you choose to bring or wear, it’s better to be prepared than wish you could go back to your hotel for a jacket or dry clothes.

    What do you do to prepare for the ultimate Disney day?