Home » 4 Serious Consequences for Misbehaving in Theme Parks

    4 Serious Consequences for Misbehaving in Theme Parks

    Despite the magical and carefree image of popular theme parks, it’s entirely possible for guests to run afoul and end up suffering some serious consequences on vacation. Though much of what transpires when guests violate park policy depends on the level of infraction (and to some extent, the ages of the parties involved), there are most certainly repercussions for those that engage in bad behavior during a theme park visit.

    Here are four disastrous consequences guests have faced in the past after violating the rules and regulations at Walt Disney World or Universal Orlando Resort.

    1. Forced to change clothes 

    It’s no secret that Disney is strict about how its Cast Members dress, but the parks are equally vigilant about keeping things clean amongst guests. Attire with obscene language or pictures is not permitted, and tattoos that portray anything inappropriate must be covered. Standard policy for an inappropriate shirt is typically to ask the guest to turn it inside out or change into something else.

    Occasionally, an outfit is so extreme that it can’t be remedied as simply. A teenage girl made big news in 2012 when she was denied admission to Walt Disney World because she was dressed in an authentic-looking Tinkerbell costume. Though she was later admitted to the park and even provided with a change of clothes, the guest was crushed that her elaborate homemade costume was not allowed.

    Mickey’s Not-So-Scary Halloween Party is the only time guests are allowed in the Disney parks dressed authentically as characters. While this may seem harsh, the reasoning is simple. Children can’t always distinguish between the real Tinkerbell and a guest pretending to be Tinkerbell. Since Disney has no control over how the guest imposter may speak or act, this opens the park up to a host of potentially disastrous situations.

    2. Removal from the park

    Being asked to change clothes is really a minor inconvenience compared with what could happen when you show up in the wrong attire to a theme park. In 2013, a family alleged that Universal Studios Orlando kicked them out of the park for the day for wearing a shirt reading “Police Street Crime Unit.” The park’s policy is that no one can wear clothing that identifies them as any kind of law enforcement if they are not an on-duty police officer. The rule makes sense for safety reasons, but it’s unclear in this particular story why the guest wasn’t allowed to swap the shirt out for a different one. It seems there may be something missing from the tale, though Universal issued no official statement on why the family was escorted out of the park.

    Disney has asked guests to leave the park for bearing too strong of a resemblance to Santa Clause. Thomas Tolbert is a professional actor voted one of the top three St. Nick impersonators in a national convention in 2012. During his visit to Walt Disney World, his appearance became problematic because guests would ask for photos and autographs. Disney confirmed that he was asked to leave the park for disrupting park operations.

    3. Criminal charges

    Image: Disney

    Some guests seem to operate under the misconception that anything goes at a theme park, and you can get away with treating Cast Members – and characters in particular – any way you’d like. Guests should be warned, however, that if the altercation is serious enough, they may face criminal charges. In 2009, a jury found a 60-year-old man guilty of misdemeanor battery for fondling Minnie Mouse. Nor is this the first time this type of crime has taken place. A 1986 newspaper article chronicles a similar incident at Disneyland where a 21-year-old fondled Minnie Mouse.

    4. Banned from the Park

    In most cases, guests who misbehave are escorted from the park and asked not to return for the remainder of the day. However, it is possible to face a ban that will keep you out of your favorite theme park for much longer.

    Walt Disney World banned a man known as “Adam the Woo” who repeatedly snuck backstage at the parks and took videos for YouTube. Deliberately trespassing backstage is never a smart idea, and you shouldn’t be surprised at all if you’re kicked off property for life if you intentionally photograph or videotape backstage locations for any purpose. Keep in mind that even Cast Members aren’t allowed to take photos or videos backstage to help preserve the Disney magic.

    Universal Studios Orlando may enforce a similar ban for an offense that may seem much smaller. The park has a strict zero tolerance policy for underage drinking. This is enforced particularly carefully for the annual Halloween Horror Nights event. Underage drinking, underage possession of alcohol, or providing alcohol to a minor will get you swiftly kicked out of the resort. Standard procedure is to ban offenders from the park for a year if they cooperate fully. In 2008, a man let his 17-year-old daughter have a taste of his Jell-O shot, refused to cooperate fully, and was banned from the park for life.

    While theme parks present an easy-going carefree image, it’s important to keep in mind that these locations service millions of guests every year. In 2013, more than 18.5 million guests visited the Magic Kingdom alone. An operation this size simply can’t operate without strict rules at its core, and guests who violate those rules don’t go unpunished.