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25 Intriguing Hidden Secrets at Disney’s Magic Kingdom

Walt Disney World’s Magic Kingdom is packed with rides and shows. But there are dozens of hidden details that are easy to miss as you race from one attraction to another.

Disney’s Imagineers have packed every area of the park with hidden secrets and quirky elements that the vast majority of guests will never notice. Looking out for them can add an extra dimension to your visit, as well as helping to pass time that might otherwise be spent waiting around in queues or for others to emerge from a restroom. Take a look at these 25 hidden secrets at the Magic Kingdom…and let us know any we’ve missed!

25. Split in half

Jungle CruiseOn the Jungle Cruise, look out for the back half of a airplane. The front half of this can be seen in the Casablanca sequence of the Great Movie Ride over at Disney’s Hollywood Studios (contrary to rumors, this is not the same plane used in the movie itself).

24. What’s in a number?

In Liberty Square, take a look at the two-digit addresses of each of the houses. Adding an “18” before these gives you the time period that each building is meant to represent.

23. Standing tall

Liberty Square Liberty Tree

The enormous Liberty Tree is a live oak tree, and commemorates the meeting place of the Sons of Liberty (as seen in Disney’s Johnny Tremaine). It was transplanted from elsewhere on Walt Disney World property, is more than 135 years old and weighed some 35 tons when it was moved. 13 lanterns hang from it, representing the 13 original colonies.

22. Spooky residents

Haunted Mansion

Image © Disney

At night, take a look at the upper-floor windows of the Haunted Mansion…you may just see a few playful spooks.

21. Tributes to the creators

Main Street window

On Main Street, USA, take a look at the names painted on the windows of the upper floor. Walt Disney’s window sits above the ice cream parlor, while brother Roy’s is above the Main Street Confectionery.

20. Man’s best friend

Take a look at the pavement outside Tony’s Town Square Restaurant. You’ll see the paw prints of both Lady and the Tramp – a special homage to the dogs in the classic Disney animated movie (which is the inspiration for the restaurant itself).

19. Eavesdropping

The Market House on Main Street, USA still features a turn-of-the-century phone mounted on the wall. Pick it up, and you’ll be able to listen in on an old-fashioned party line to a conversation between a mother and her daughter. In the Rocket Tower Plaza (beneath the Astro Orbiter) is another phone. Pick up the receiver and press a button, and you’ll be connected to a Tomorrowland resident.

18. A royal horse

Image: Disney


On Prince Charming Regal Carrousel, look for a horse that has a gold ribbon on its tail. This is Cinderella’s own royal stallion!

17. A cheeky camel

In Adventureland, look out for the large camel close to the Magic Carpets of Aladdin. Catch his eye and he may just spit on you!

16. Listening in


Turn right on Center Street while you are walking towards the castle down Main Street, USA. Stand under the windows marked “Singing Lessons” and “School of Dance” and you may just hear someone practicing the piano or exercising their vocal chords.

15. Beep…beep…beep


As you climb the stairs to the Main Street Railroad Station, listen out for an old-fashioned telegraph sending out a message. It’s a morse code version of Walt Disney’s opening day speech at Disneyland on July 17, 1955.

14. Mind your step


Liberty Square is very faithful in some of its historical details. Look out for the brown “stream” flowing down the middle of the streets – in frontier times, this acted as a urine trough to catch waste from horses!

13. A giant secret


In the Sir Mickey’s gift shop in Fantasyland, take a look up at the ceiling. You’ll spot Willie the Giant from Mickey and the Beanstalk, peering out from under the roof.

12. Unusual footprints

Pirates of the Caribbean

Image © Disney

As you exit Pirates of the Caribbean, take a look at the “footprints” on the moving walkway. You’ll see single boot prints followed by a small circle – these belong to a peg-legged pirate.

11. An unusual chess set

Haunted Mansion

Image © Disney

Take a look at the spires on the Haunted Mansion – each one is shaped like a chess piece.

10. Shoddy workmanship


The shutters in Liberty Square sag. Why? At the time of the Revolutionary War, colonists melted down hinges sold to them by the British to make shot for their weapons. Leather hinges were used in their place, resulting in the sagging shutters. Disney’s “leather” hinges, ironically, are made of metal.

9. Uninviting waters

Rivers of America

Image © Disney

The murky color of the water in the Jungle Cruise and the Rivers of America is artificial. A biodegradable dye is used to create a natural look.

8. A couple’s gifts

Partners statue

Image © Disney

Have a look at the Partners statue in front of Cinderella Castle. Walt Disney is wearing an Irish Claddagh ring on his right finger. His wife Lillian bought this for him on a trip to Ireland (Walt bought Lillian one, too).

7. Don’t drop litter…  

Trash Can salt and pepper shakers

Try measuring the distance between the trash cans in the park. You should find that you are never more than 30 steps away from one.

6. Walt’s cameo

Carousel of Progress

On the Carousel of Progress, look out for a picture of Walt Disney in the daughter’s room in the 1940s scene.

5. Smaller than you think

Cinderella Castle

Image © Disney

The bricks on Cinderella Castle get smaller the higher up the structure goes. This is a “forced perspective” technique to make the castle appear larger, and has the added benefit of making fireworks that explode behind the castle look larger and more impressive, too.

4. The fate of Grandma

Haunted Mansion

Image © Disney

In the ballroom scene of the Haunted Mansion, an old lady sits in a rocking chair. Does she look familiar? Yes – it’s the grandmother from the Carousel of Progress!

3. Whispering Goofy


The statue of Goofy sitting on a bench close to Tony’s Town Square Restaurant will sometimes talk to you if you sit next to him.

2. Metallic foliage


The metal palm trees close to Space Mountain in Tomorrowland fold up at night and open during the day. They also collect solar energy.

1. A former resident

Image: Michael Gray, Flickr (license)

As you enter Owl’s house on The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh, look out for a framed picture of Mr. Toad handing a deed to Owl. Controversially, the Winnie the Pooh ride replaced Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride.