Home » The 14 Best Photo Ops at Universal Studios Florida

    The 14 Best Photo Ops at Universal Studios Florida

    Number 12 Grimmauld Place

    Mugs and tee shirts are great, but there’s no souvenir quite as personal or customizable as a great picture. You want to snag the best shots while you’re in the park, but it’s not always easy to pinpoint where you can get those unforgettable pics. If you’re after a beautiful backdrop or humorous place to pose, check out these great spots around Universal Studios Florida.

    1. Number 12 Grimmauld Place

    Number 12 Grimmauld Place

    No Harry Potter fan can miss the significance of Number 12 Grimmauld Place. Along the streets of London, you can pose right on the front steps of the building. If you’re patient, you may even catch Kreacher in your shot.

    2. The Knight Bus

    The Knight Bus

    Harry Potter face characters are rare, which is why a picture with the Knight Bus driver is so great. You can queue up to have a little chat with the driver and his shrunken head, then snap a fantastic photo. The characters rotate often, but since they’re not meant to represent any single person (they’re just generic Knight Bus employees, not any specific character from the books or film), the opportunity isn’t diminished at all.

    3. The Jules Verne Train

    Jules Verne Train

    If you’re a fan of Back to the Future, this is one of the best pictures you can get. Most people pose in front of the train on the side that faces the main street. However, there’s a fenced alcove specifically designed to help you get great pictures on the opposite side of the train. Approach from the waterfront garden or just walk around to the side of the train that’s closest to the water to find this excellent spot.

    4. Jaws


    Amity and the Jaws attraction are gone, but the shark remains along the waterfront in San Francisco. He’s still a popular photo op, but now that the shark is removed from the main drag a bit, lines are shorter and it’s a little easier to get up to pose with him.

    5. Springfield, U.S.A.


    There are so many great photo ops in Springfield that it’s impossible to pick just one. Depending on the crowds, you may find your best shot is at the entrance near the Springfield postcard. However, if you don’t mind waiting in line and the possibility of some other people in your shot, you can pose with several other monuments and characters.


    A popular pose in front of Lard Lad is standing with your arms raised as though you’re holding the giant donut. You can also hang adoringly on Duff Man, mug with Chief Wiggum, or grab a seat on the bench next to Milhouse.

    6. Men in Black Worlds Fair Towers

    Worlds Fair Towers

    The Men in Black area features the World Fair Towers, which are popular landmarks from the first film. While it’s difficult to get a good picture with them up close, there’s a photo spot on the bridge that’s perfect for this purpose. It’s even designated with a helpful photo spot sign.

    7. Mel’s Drive-In

    Mel's Drive-In

    Mel’s Drive-In is great if you want a shot with a bit of a retro feel. Get those Instagram filters ready! There are several classic cars parked out front that you can pose with. At the right angle, you can get the restaurant in the backdrop as well. Climbing on the cars is discouraged, but you can lean a little for a cute pose.

    8. The Hollywood Signs

    Hollywood Sign Photo Op

    From a distance, it’s difficult to figure out what the Hollywood Sign photo spot is all about. Across the street from Mel’s Drive-In and facing the Horror Make-Up Show, this photo spot is designed to make it look like you’re standing in the streets of Hollywood.

    Hollywood Photo Op

    There are helpful directions on hand that spell out the whole process for lining up your camera, standing in the proper spot, and snapping your photo. This is a fun trick of the eye that’s easily overlooked and often has little to no line.

    9. The Disaster Tank

    Disaster Tank

    You don’t have to get in line for Disaster to enjoy this fun photo op. Though the creature is fenced off, you can get a nice horrified picture standing in front of the tentacles that are crashing through the wall to grab the tank.

    10. The Streets of New York

    New York Subway

    Universal Studios Florida features several New York facades that offer great photo ops. Perching on nearly any of the steps along these streets will give you a good photo. The steps of the New York Library used to be a popular pick, but the backdrop is getting so faded this is no longer a prime spot. Instead, try the subway photo op. You can take a picture of someone going up or down the steps to the subway. If you angle your camera just right you won’t be able to tell that the steps only go a couple feet down.

    New York Street

    Along one of the side streets, you can also get a surprisingly picturesque photo in front of a brownstone. Flowers, trees, and a well-maintained corner of street offer a backdrop that looks like it’s from another environment entirely. You’ll never guess this picture came from a theme park.

    11. Twister Wreckage

    Twister Tractor

    Outside Twister, you can snag a picture with a tractor that’s crashed into a building. You can get creative with your pose here. Shock or dismay play best. In front of the Twister gift shop, you’ll find the Dorothy equipment for another fun photo.

    12. The Electric Chair

    Electric Chair

    The Classic Monsters Café is impossible to miss with its towering sign. However, this restaurant isn’t always open so you might not walk up to the doors if you’re not planning to head in for a bite. It’s worth it to get a little closer, however, because this restaurant has an electric chair out front. You won’t want to smile for this pic. Make your best horror film face, appropriate to your circumstances. A black and white filter with some grittiness works well for this pic.

    13. ET’s Closet

    ET's Closet

    The ET gift shop has two fun photo ops inside. You can pose on the flying bike or hide in the closet with ET. These are pretty popular so you will probably have to wait in line, but they’re worth the effort for any fans of the film.

    14. The Circus Animals

    Curious George Circus Animals

    Head back toward the Curious George Goes to Town playground and you’ll find some perfect photo spots for children. In front of the playground are two circus billboards you can pop your face in for a cute picture.

    Hit up these hot spots around the park for some cute and creative shots that are sure to be popular on your social media sites or in scrapbooks. With the right pictures this is one trip you’ll never forget.