Home » 13 Hidden Secrets You Probably Missed at Universal’s Islands of Adventure: Marvel Super Hero Island

    13 Hidden Secrets You Probably Missed at Universal’s Islands of Adventure: Marvel Super Hero Island

    Project Gamma Light Post

    Marvel Super Hero Island brings the world of these iconic comic book characters to life. The immersive area that you step into here takes you not into the most recent Marvel franchise, but into a colorful larger-than-life universe that’s straight from the pages of your favorite comic books.

    These great details really pull the theme together, but they’re easy to miss if you’re not paying attention.

    1. Light posts around The Hulk

    Project Gamma Light Post

    The Incredible Hulk Coaster is impossible to miss, but there are some interesting details surrounding the ride that you’ll only notice when you step a bit closer. The lamp posts surrounding the attraction are marked with the “Project Gamma” insignia, referring to the disastrous experiment that turns Bruce Banner into the angry green monster we’re so familiar with.

    2. The roaring coaster noise

    The Incredible Hulk Coaster

    Marvel Super Hero Island is one of the noisiest areas in the park, due in large part to the incredible noise that the Hulk coaster makes every time it launches. This roller coaster is outrageously loud for good reason. With most roller coasters, the rails are filled with sand or a similar medium that will dampen the noise. The Hulk doesn’t include this feature, so the rails make a roaring sound that’s meant to mimic the furious shout of the superhero himself.

    3. Communication ports

    Marvel Superhero Island Communication Port

    Keep your eyes peeled for anything that looks like it has a giant speaker in it around Super Hero Island. These communication ports feature special messages for the superheroes and villains in the area. Step up and press the button to hear the latest communique. Messages vary by port, so expect to hear a call for heroes on those near hero attractions like the Hulk, and a call for villains in an area like Doom Alley.

    4. The Baxter Annex

    Baxter Annex

    The Baxter Building is where the Fantastic Four reside in New York. Being that this is Florida, you won’t find the Baxter Building here, but you will find the Baxter Annex. This clever piece of signage is found over to door to Café 4, a pizza restaurant across from the Incredible Hulk Coaster.

    5. The Crime Update Line

    Crime Line Phone

    As expected, the Crime Update Line is extremely busy in Super Hero Island. Pick up this phone to hear a list of options for reporting common crimes in the area. The message is filled with creative quips that refer to various superhero characters and villains that belong to the Marvel universe.

    6. Stark Industries

    Stark Industries Sign

    Tony Stark has a big presence on Marvel Super Hero Island. You’ll find the name of Stark Industries featured above a door on the back side of the building that houses the Spider-Man meet and greet. You have to pass through a smoking section to see this little detail, so it’s easy to miss if you stick to the main streets in the area. The locked door beneath the Stark sign leads to an office space on the second floor of the building. See if you can spot the Stark Enterprises building elsewhere on the island as well.

    7. Impact points from Dr Doom’s Fearfall

    Impact from the Fearfall

    One of the most chilling features in the area is easy to miss if you don’t look down. Check out the ground surrounding Dr Doom’s Fearfall and you’ll see the silhouettes of previous victims of this villain who fell from the heights of the attraction (and they look an awful lot like the Fantastic Four).

    8. Osborn Industries

    Osborn Industries Building

    Spider-Man fans are familiar with Norman Osborn’s company, Osborne Industries. In Doom Alley, to the left of the entrance for Dr Doom’s Fearfall, you’ll see the sign for this company, flanked by busts of Venom.

    9. Thug audio in Doom Alley

    Doom Alley Alcove

    Beneath the Osborn Industries sign and a bit to the right you’ll see a nondescript alcove. Step into this space and listen carefully. You’ll hear hidden audio of two thugs planning their next caper. This little bit is particularly fun because, unlike the communication ports, this one is much harder to find and often goes unnoticed.

    10. Dr. Doom’s throne

    Dr. Doom's Throne

    If you pay close attention to the queue video for Dr. Doom’s Fearfall, you’ll catch a glimpse of this villain’s iconic throne. If you’re itching for a closer look, or perhaps think that you would look even better in that plush chair, head into the arcade and look for the stairs. These take you up to a small landing where you’ll find the throne in all its glory. This is an ideal spot for an easily overlooked photo op.

    11. Subtle signage

    Fruit Stand

    While the signs for classic comic buildings like Stark Industries are plenty descriptive, you may notice that other signs in the area are unusually brief and to-the-point. The signs for food and merchandise locations say things like “Fruit” and “Comics.” This isn’t because the area’s designers couldn’t think of anything better, but because these signs fit into the comic book world you’re walking through. Peruse a classic comic book and you’ll see similar word use on the buildings, which don’t use brand names.

    12. Meteor crash site

    Meteor Crash Site

    The meteor crash site is easy to spot, but many guests don’t get what this area is all about. The crash site is purportedly where a supernatural meteor once landed, giving once ordinary citizens the super powers that turned them into heroes and villains. On the spires around the crater, you’ll see murals of the various characters found throughout the area.

    13. Thor’s hammer

    Thor's Hammer

    Anyone familiar with Thor knows about his hammer, Miu Miu. Since Thor is evident in the area, so too is his iconic weapon. You can see the hammer’s head from the outside of the Captain America Diner. Head inside and you’ll see Thor throwing it on one side of the room, and the hammer on the other.

    Thor in Captain America Diner

    Avid comic book fans will find many additional details to appreciate around Marvel Super Hero Island. Just keep your eyes peeled in this bustling area.